Link Clearance Army Fordham

Friday, October 28, 2011

Sal takes a look at Army's personnel.

Rich Ellerson's press quotes are up, as are the Army game notes (PDF).

Fordham's game notes can be found here (PDF).

Interesting item from their notes:

ARMY ATTEMPTS ONE PAT IN 1949 GAME… FIVE TIMES: In the 1949 Fordham-Army game, played at West Point, place-kicker Jack Mackmull of the Cadets needed five shots at a conversion after a second quarter Army touchdown before he connected. Mackmull's first kick was good but an Army penalty forced another try from the 23 yard line, which he again drilled between the posts, but another penalty-on the Cadets forced him to kick from the 39. This third attempt was wide, but this time Fordham was hit with a penalty, so Mackmull got another shot but missed again. You guessed it; an infraction by the Rams gave the weary Cadet a fifth kick from the 18 and this one was good with no flags, making it 14-0, and Army moved to a 35-0 win. (from Ed Gilleran, College Football Historical Society)

Steelman will miss his first start as a Cadet, and that's disappointing, but Ellerson's teams have overcome injuries before. Expect the QBs to surprise




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