Army Vandy Late Link Hits

Friday, October 21, 2011

Here's an interesting look at the history of the Vanderbilt series.

This one will be aired on ESPNU.

Jordan Rodgers is Vandy's starter-

Here's an in-depth breakdown of the upcoming game.

Should be fun. Let's get to it.


Vanderbilt Walk-up

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

So far with Army coming off a bye and Vandy coming off a game against Georgia the story is getting healthy.

Vandy has questions at QB.

Sal has a good chat up on his site.

GoArmySports has Army's game notes up (pdf)

Army Notes USA Today

Vandy's notes.

Rich Ellerson offers some quotes re: Vandy.

Commodore-centric game notes are here and there are some VU press blurbs here.


Yearbook: Virginia Commonwealth

VCU has a smattering of their yearbooks scanned and available online. It's another great effort by the Internet Archive to present these yearbooks for our use. VCU's yearbooks are varied and include old books from Richmond Professional Institute as well as the X-Ray yearbook of Medical College of Virginia:

The Wigwam (RPI, 1931-1955)
Cobblestone (RPI, 1956-1968; VCU, 1969-1973)
Commonwealth (VCU, 1979-1980)
The Rampages (VCU, 1989-1990)
The X-Ray (MCV, 1913-2010)

There were no VCU yearbooks from 1974 to 1978 or from 1981-1988. After 1990, the VCU yearbook was no longer published. The MCV yearbook ceased publication in the spring of 2010.

The VCU library also has old Commonwealth Times student newspapers as well as some digitized alumni publications.

VCU Magazine
Shafer Court Connections
The Scarab


It is the mission of The Unbalanced Line Online Library to present important and interesting historical texts to college football fans. Items will be added regularly as blog postings and can be easily indexed in the Yearbooks button on the site bar.

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Week 8 Blogpoll Ballot

Sunday, October 16, 2011

There you go, last week I was a day late getting this in, so here's a timely edition of my Blogpoll ballot. I feel pretty good about this one - the top 5 are easy. 6-10 are pretty clear - though I'm still looking for a reason to ding the Ducks. Injuries and all, they have done what they've had to do.

I wouldn't mind putting KState and Houston a tad higher than they are, but schedule strength is an issue for both - and there are a lot of legit 1-loss teams in college football right now, so I like them where they are.

Leave your thoughts in the comments.



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