Army 2-10

Monday, December 10, 2012

One last turnover letdown spoiled what could have been a nice win. Navy overcame poor play of their own, but ultimately Army can only blame themselves for losing this one. Army pushed Navy around for most of the game, and if there's a talent edge in favor of one team or another I'm just not seeing it.

With a win it may have been be easier to look at the brighter aspects of the season but a 2-10 season takes a lot of luster off of any individual or academy accolades. Army finished #1 in the nation in rushing, but left too many footballs on the turf  to make anything out of the season.

It was a pretty important game, the streak lives on, seniors move on, and it's back to the drawing board for Army. For football independent Army the C.I.C. is the most important goal of of the season and they were very close this time. 5 years in, I think Rich Ellerson is on track. Ian Shields' offense is a buzz saw and it frankly renders all other football boring. Those guys are safe for another year though there will probably be grumblings among the Army fan base. Perhaps the biggest tragedy of this loss is that I will continue referring to the contest as the Navy/Army game.

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